We are founder-managed and member-led.

Our founder, Kate, is actively invested in and involved as the community manager of the group, setting the stage for the connection, education, and unabashed support that have come to be the hallmarks of the community.

But Kate also has a career that she loves, so she relies on members to help shape the community, which they do through things like participating in our oft-employed emoji polls (🦙🍑💞🤠), dropping a channel rec in our digital “suggestion box,” or presenting workshops to the community.

In short, this is a space that is engaged and active and always changing to reflect the group as it grows.

Our Founder

Kate Westlund Tovsen
Founder & Convener in Chief

Kate wearing glasses and with her long hair down, standing against a natural backdrop.

The Society of Working Moms was born shortly after the birth of Kate’s second child. Though on paper Kate knew she was quite well supported, she still felt like she needed more. And she figured she wasn’t the only one.

Taking advantage of an expected seasonal downturn in her consulting work, she set to work creating the group she wished she had, studying at length how best to build and manage a community, and having virtual coffees with potential partners that also felt strongly about meeting the needs of working moms.

She adores this community of supportive, smart, engaged, powerhouse women and is eager to meet even more!

Don’t hesitate to reach out if you would like to chat: hello@katetovsenmedia.com.

Our Partners

Jess Ringgenberg
Head of Coaching
Founder and CEO, ELIXR

Jess sitting on a couch with a huge smile; legs crossed and her arms bracing on the couch cushion.

Jess is a matrescence expert, a certified coach, and an advocate for self-coaching.

Having left a thriving corporate career as a woman in a leadership position, she experienced the existing gap for all working mothers first-hand, and she couldn’t look away.

Her company, ELIXR Coaching & Consulting, exists to normalize and prioritize the needs of working mothers, aiming for a future where their dual identities are not just understood but embraced.

Workshop Presenters & Speakers

  • Sloane Stuart Bartley

    Workshop Presenter:
    Recruiter Resume Tips

  • Nancy Dilts

    Workshop Presenter:
    Enclothed Cognition

  • Jess Galica

    Ask The Expert:
    Career Transitions

  • Katie Gilder

    Ask The Expert:
    Diet & Nutrition

  • Annie Nolte Henning

    The Power Pivot

  • Tamara Hinckley

    Workshop Presenter:
    Get 8 Hours Back a Week

  • Katie Huey

    Ask The Expert:

  • Mouna Laaragat

    Workshop Presenter:
    Finding Rest In Resilience

  • Annie Lyons

    Book Club Chat:
    The Brilliant Life of Eudora Honeysett

  • Jordan Parker Means

    Ask The Expert:
    Movement & Fitness

  • Barbara Palmer

    Workshop Presenter:
    Mother’s Vision

  • L'Oreal Thompson Payton

    The Power Pivot

    Book Club Chat:
    Stop Waiting For Perfect

  • Rebecca Pino

    Workshop Presenter:
    Building Generational Wealth

  • Neha Leela Ruch

    The Power Pivot

  • Elissa Strauss

    Ask The Expert:
    Care Feminism

  • Haley Thannum

    Workshop Presenter:
    Maternity Leave for Freelancers

  • Missy Voronyak

    Workshop Presenter:
    LinkedIn Profile Optimization,
    LinkedIn Content & Connections

Note: most of these workshops were recorded and are available for replay for members in our events-and-replays🔒 channel!